i: wound - the libyan tapes / to loop a loop
abstract flixx of libyan sand and (guess what?) loops packaged in libyan cloth
the libyan tapes i – vii: based on recordings from libya & mastered at the noise factory 95
to loop a loop: looped in 96
to destroy china: uses a sample from raksha mancham
to pray towards the east
to wound x-mas: based on recordings from the christmas liturgy, armenian rite
to dream
the path: based on samples from traumpfad
- a travelogue in three acts
nam satya hai - eighty
percent of nothing - cITY.cRIME.cONTROL.
- in
statu nascendi - traumpfad
- a travelogue in three acts -
- the libyan tapes
/ to loop a loop - prisonblood
(murder 1, 2, 3) - triptych
1: may all rapists be happy - triptych
2: skarz
the patricide
ep - punish
the guilty - '.blackbox.'
label activities: m. nomized - origami vs. manipura
interactive discography: releases
products: list - 2nd hand - live archives
texts (german only): cd/lp/7" reviews a-l m-r s-z - interviews - gigs - hörspiele